Our original intention was to provide an outdoor centre which would replace the old, very successful, establishment in all respects, including the availability of overnight accommodation. This proved to be impossible to fund and, with a radical change in the demand for outdoor facilities over the COVID period, our focus was changed to providing a building on site to facilitate the use of the forest for outdoor pursuits and wellness activities without any accommodation element. While seeking funding for the main building on site, we have been able to improve the site amenity in small ways.
- In September 2021, two composting toilets were installed on site.
- In June 2023, the refurbishment of the old generator shed to provide a shelter was completed
Update March 2024 : All funding necessary to purchase the building of choice, a 6m diameter rotunda, is in place and the building is ordered. Delivery and construction are expected during the Summer of 2024.
The continuing high level of interest in the project by Forestry and Land Scotland is welcome.
The following key point remains relevant.
- It is planned to build a camp kitchen on site. This will be done in house with funding to cover the cost of materials. The funding is in place for this.
In line with the intention that the Strategic Plan should be a live document which will be used to control and monitor progress towards our ultimate objective, it is hereby updated.
Strategic Plan – Updated MAY 2024
It remains the intention that this Strategic Plan should be used to detail the actions necessary to achieve the Company’s objectives. This is a live document which will be used to control and monitor progress towards our ultimate objective. The document will be reviewed at each Directors’ Meeting and detail will be added as necessary.
We will :
- Proceed with the installation of a camp kitchen ensuring that this does not interfere with the building installation.
- Manage the delivery and construction of a 6m diameter rotunda on site.
- Work to identify and procure an appropriate power supply on site.
- Identify potential partners.
- Continue to raise public awareness of the work of the Company and of our desire to provide a focal point in Caithness for outdoor recreation, education and other activities to promote wellbeing within the community by organising fundraising activities and promoting events onsite.
- Expand the membership of the Company to include individuals and organisations committed to the project.
- Ensure that the site is maintained by regular grass cutting, trimming hedges etc. So that a functional site is visible to users.
- Work with Forestry and Land Scotland to improve the forest environment around our site.
- Look at developing the forest path network for cycling / horse riding / carriage driving / walking and provide signage and seating as appropriate.
- We will continue to work with Forestry and Land Scotland to promote the use of Rumster Forest for leisure activities, particularly where they contribute to health and wellbeing within the community. In this regard, we welcome recent indications that Forestry and Land Scotland are interested in a greater involvement in the project and have expressed an interest in attending board meetings.
- We have committed to making a strong, proactive approach to organising events on site and will contact appropriate organisations directly to offer the facility for events through Summer / Autumn of 2024.
Some of the above objectives are in hand or awaiting funding at this time. It is seen as essential that everything possible is done to encourage new members of the company either to become fully involved or just to be on record as supporting our aims and objectives. There is still an urgent need to have more volunteer help available for site maintenance and assistance with the logistics of event organisation.