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Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting on Mon 25th Mar 2024 at the Guide Hall Thurso at 19.00 hrs

Sederunt: Willie Marshall, Leslie Grant, Roger Saxon, Bryan Dodds, Elspeth Husband

Apologies: Catriona Andrews

Declarations: None

Minutes of January meeting: Approved by WM   Seconded by BD

Matters arising: Would be covered in meeting

Chairman’s report: WM stated that he was pleased to say that we had achieved the funding target and have reviewed the draft documentation. The order could now be accepted.

Actions moving forward must be to place order, request invoice, progress planning application and progress ground tests.

Treasurer’s report: LG confirmed that payment had been made to Rotunda for the drawings to accompany the planning application. Payment was made to RS for the supply of maps. Payment will be due to Dawn Mackay for the preparation of the planning application.

EH gave a breakdown of the funding applications as £88k for the building, £2k for a generator, £2k planning, £6k contingency for groundworks and £2k contingency for transport and access ramp. Total £100k

Correspondence:  Request for photo consent from WM and RS for photos from site maintenance day for Foundation Scotland.

Strategic Plan: WM to review strategic plan. All directors to review appendices.

Business Development: Define and discuss power requirements. Possible companies RDI, Barnies, McInnes Group. Possible requirements 4kW panels, 8kW batteries?

Site Update: Planned meeting with Reg Stratton and Laura Turtle of Forestry and Land Scotland due on 4/4/24 on site at 10.00h

Discussion topics- paths, seats, possible event with F&LS (Big Help Out 9th June?), provision of a bowser, site security, state of core path.

Fundraising: No planned activities. No outstanding applications.

Events: Forest Art Day due Sunday 16th April 2-4pm. 2 further meditation events due to take place (May).

Site maintenance day due 28th April

AOCB: Once construction plans are known we should speak with Police Scotland.

Date of Next Meeting: 29th April 2024, 3rd June 2024