Upcoming Events
A workday is planned on site on Sunday 15th September. Anyone who is interested will be most welcome to join us at any time between 10:00 and 16:00. The planned activities include:
- Cutting back the overgrown cotoneaster hedge
- Disposal of brash left over from previous tree felling
- Cutting back undergrowth and tree branches encroaching on the cycle track starting at the car park
- Grass strimming in preparation for the erection of the building now scheduled for October
All of the planned and very successful Family Painting days and Forest Meditation Sessions run by Haven House Art have now been delivered and we are currently looking at what we might usefully do over te Summer / Autumn period. This is somewhat complicated by the need to plan the installation of our rotunda at some, as yet unknown, time.
We are discussing the possibility of further sessions to be run by Haven House Art; possibly a Family painting Day in July. Any future sessions are unlikely to be grant funded. Further information will be published when it is available.
Recent Events
Family Painting Day August 2023
We hosted a very well attended and enjoyable family painting day delivered by Haven House Art on 13th August 2023. The weather was kind and a great time was had by all.
Site Maintenance July 2023
Not many volunteers on 22nd / 23rd July but, thanks to those who did turn out, we managed to get a fair bit of work done. Particular thanks to Sarah and Tom for getting the grass cut.

Tree Planting Day

The result of a very successful tree planting day on Saturday 22nd April
Our thanks to all the volunteers who turned out to help and especially to Forestry and Land Scotland who provided the trees, the expertise and the tools to do the job.
Environment Restoration
Scheduled for 15th – 19th May was unfortunately reduced to just one day due to a lack of volunteers. Despite this, some really useful work was done.
Special thanks to Forestry and Land Scotland who cleared the site of a huge amount of brash (left over from the felling of dangerous trees a couple of years ago) over the weekend before volunteer work on the site was due to start.
The volunteers who were able to come to site on the Tuesday put in a great shift planting more trees with assistance from Forestry and Land Scotland who, once again, provided the trees, tools and expertise.